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Theatre Quizzes & Trivia

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Shows Writers

An Advanced Quiz for A Midsummer Night's Dream

How well do you know A Midsummer Night's Dream?

Shows Writers

Are You a My Fair Lady Expert?

How well do you know this classic musical?

Shows Writers

Advanced quiz for Hamlet

Think you know Hamlet well? Take our quiz!

Shows Writers

An Advanced Quiz on the Musical of Peter Pan

Will you be able to crow when you finish this challenging quiz?

Shows Writers

Advanced Quiz for Murder on the Orient Express

Only Hercule Poirot himself could ace this quiz!

Shows Writers

Advanced Quiz for Agatha Christie's "The Mousetrap"

Do you know "The Mousetrap"? Test your knowledge of the play's history and characters.

Shows Writers

The “Oldest Established” Guys and Dolls Quiz (Advanced)

The staunchest fan of this classic Broadway musical will need no luck to ace this quiz!

Shows Writers

Aladdin Advanced Quiz

You know the basics - now see if your wish is granted with the harder questions!

Shows Writers

An Advanced Quiz for Romeo and Juliet

Think you know Romeo and Juliet well? Take our quiz to find out!

Shows Writers

Getting to know the classic musical revivals of the 1970s & 1980s!

Test out your knowledge on the shows that paid homage to the Golden Era of musicals.

Shows Writers

Intermediate Quiz for Singin' in the Rain

Test your knowledge of this classic musical!

Shows Writers

Advanced Quiz for The Rocky Horror Show

Show off how well you know The Time Warp!