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Theatre Quizzes & Trivia

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Shows Writers

Quiz on Movie Adaptations on Stage

How well do you know your movie musicals?

Shows Writers

An Advanced Quiz for A Midsummer Night's Dream

How well do you know A Midsummer Night's Dream?

Shows Writers

Getting to Know Shakespeare's Comedies!

Test out how well you know Shakespeare's comedies.

Shows Writers

An Advanced Quiz on Much Ado About Nothing

Do you know much about Must Ado About Nothing?

Shows Writers

The Coolest Grease Quiz About Rydell High

Think you know everything about Grease? Test your knowledge here!

Shows Writers

Mean Girls: The Bigger Quiz

Do you know your Mean Girls trivia?


Intermediate quiz for Six

Can you keep your head? Take our quiz to find out!

Shows Writers

Intermediate Quiz for SpongeBob SquarePants

Challenge your knowledge about everyone’s favorite musical sea sponge!

Shows Writers

The Little Mermaid Advanced Quiz

You might need some of Ursula's powers to get these answers right!

Shows Writers

A Hamilton Advanced Quiz

Don't throw away your shot on this advanced quiz.

Shows Writers

An Advanced Quiz for Fiddler on the Roof

Think you know this musical well? Take our quiz to find out!

Shows Writers

Steel Magnolias (Advanced Quiz)

If you ace this quiz about this classic drama, we will love you more than our luggage!