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Theatre Quizzes & Trivia

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Shows Writers

Getting to know Andrew Lloyd Webber

How well do you know the life and work of Andrew Lloyd Webber?

Shows Writers

Advanced Quiz for You Can't Take It With You

Think you know this play well? Take our quiz to find out!

Shows Writers

Mary Poppins Advanced Quiz

Think you’re practically perfect? Try this quiz!

Shows Writers

Footloose: Intermediate Quiz

How well do you know Footloose? Find out with this quiz!

Shows Writers

Hairspray Strong Hold (The Advanced Quiz)

How well do you know this fun musical?

Shows Writers

An Advanced Annie Quiz

Only a real "Annie expert" will ace this advanced quiz.

Shows Writers

Getting to know the classic musical revivals of the 1970s & 1980s!

Test out your knowledge on the shows that paid homage to the Golden Era of musicals.

Shows Writers

West Side Story Quiz (Advanced)

Think you know West Side Story? Take this advanced quiz and find out!

Shows Writers

Getting to know Stephen Sondheim

Think you know everything about Stephen Sondheim? Take our quiz to find out!

Shows Writers

Newsies Advanced Quiz

Think you’re a Newsies ace? Try this quiz and find out!

Shows Writers

So what more do you know about Cabaret? An Advanced Quiz

What would you do if maybe this time you find this Advanced Quiz too challenging?

Shows Writers

Concept Musicals: The Quiz!

Test out your knowledge on the top concept musicals!