_Enter Robert Audley, c. dressed in mour...

Lady Audley's Secret

Lady Audley Robert Audley

See more scenes from C.H. Hazlewood


Enter Robert Audley, c. dressed in mourning.

Robert. Six months have passed, and yet no tidings of George ; he cannot be living, or he must have seen the advertisements that I have inserted, begging him to communicate with me. If he had died suddenly, some one would have given information of his death. What motive could there have been in concealing it?

Lady A, (looking up smiling) Ah, Mr. Audley, you have returned then ? I heard you were in London, (trims flowers on stand during this scene)

Robert. I returned an hour ago.

Lady A. Well, any news of your friend?

Robert. None.

Lady A. How strange.

Robert. Very strange!

Lady A. Let me see; what was his name?

Robert. George Talboys, madam.

Lady A. To be sure. I knew it was some " boys," but whether Talboys, or Shortboys, I


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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