Lights rise on a Midwest, upper-middle c...

Good Enough

Jessica Michael

See more scenes from Kitt Lavoie


Lights rise on a Midwest, upper-middle class teenage girl’s bedroom. Stuffed animals, sports trophies, “A” papers tacked to a bulletin board. On the wall, among boy-band posters, hangs a poster reading “Glorify God In Your Body, And In Your Spirit, Which Are God's.— I CORINTHIANS 6:20.” JESSICA, 20, stands over a suitcase open on the bed. She removes a tank top from the suitcase and lays it on the bed. She removes her sweater and shirt, then her pants, then her bra. As she does, there is a knock on the door. Before she can answer, the door opens a crack. Jessica grabs the tank top from the bed to cover herself. The door opens a bit more and MICHAEL, also 20, pokes his head in the room.

Jessica (hushed) What are you doing?

Michael (hushed) You okay?

Jessica (hushed) Close the


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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