Operation Mincemeat


Writers: David Cumming Felix Hagan Zoë Roberts Natasha Hodgson


Act One

  • Born to Lead – Montagu & Company
  • God That’s Brilliant – Company
  • Dead in the Water – Cholmondeley
  • Dead in the Water (Reprise) – Cholmondeley
  • All the Ladies – Jean & Company
  • The Pitch – Montagu, Cholmondeley, & Jean
  • Born to Lead (Reprise) – Montagu, Cholmondeley, & Jean
  • Making a Man – Company
  • Love is a Bird – Cholmondeley & Jean
  • Dear Bill – Hester
  • Sail on, Boys – Company
  • Just for Tonight – Montagu & Company

Act Two

  • Das Übermensch – Company
  • Bevan’s Update – Bevan, Cholmondeley, & Montagu
  • The Ballad of Willie Watkins – Willie & Company
  • Spilsbury Reprise – Spilsbury & Company
  • I Call Abort – Bevan
  • Haselden’s Got a Good Feeling – Hasleden & Cholmondeley
  • Useful – Hester & Jean
  • Act as If – Company
  • Finale – Company

A song with an asterisk (*) before the title indicates a dance number; a character listed in a song with an asterisk (*) by the character's name indicates that the character exclusively serves as a dancer in this song, which is sung by other characters.

Operation Mincemeat guide sections