Henry VI Part 3 picks up right on the tail end of Henry VI Part 2, where the Duke of York, his sons, and his followers have shown up at parliament to steal King Henry VI’s crown. As an act of compromise and in a bout of fear, King Henry agrees to give up the crown if York will let him finish his reign. York agrees, and all seems peaceful for a moment...until Queen Margaret and her son, Prince Edward, come to guilt Henry for disinheriting his son, the rightful heir to the throne. Between Queen Margaret, who is hell bent on keeping power for her and her son, and York’s sons Edward and Richard, the “peace” is short lived and soon the fighting resumes. The crown gets bounced from one “king” to the next, with many fatalities in between, and eventually lies in the hands of Edward, back in the laps of the York’s. However, Edward’s younger brother Richard of Gloucester has other plans for the crown...Richard III is plotting his succession.
Henry VI Part 3 guide sections