Start: ORIN--_(without looking at her...

Mourning Becomes Electra

Christine Mannon Orin Mannon

See more scenes from Eugene O'Neill



ORIN--(without looking at her) What's made you take such a fancy to Hazel all of a sudden? You never used to think much of her. You didn't want me going around with her.

CHRISTINE--(coming forward and sitting across the table from him--in her gentle motherly tone) I was selfish then. I was jealous, too, I'll confess. But all I want now is your happiness, dear. I know how much you used to like Hazel--



ORIN--Mother! (then seizing her by the shoulders and staring into her eyes--with somber intensity) I could forgive anything--anything!--in my mother--except that other--that about Brant!

CHRISTINE--I swear to you--!

ORIN--If I thought that damned--! (with savage vengefulness) By God, I'd show you then I hadn't been taught to kill for nothing!

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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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